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Professionnal partner
Free audit of your site until July 30! Contact me

An optimized SEO strategy for your Webflow site

Optimize your site with a comprehensive SEO audit. I analyze and improve your strategy for better visibility and ranking on search engines.

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Complete audit of your website

Regarding this point, nothing requires you to have a site hosted on Webflow. Whether it's on Wordpress, Shopify or on a “homemade” solution, I can audit your entire site and detect the points of friction affecting your SEO such as:

  • The weight and optimization of your content such as images, videos...
  • La relevance your content compared to what you offer
  • Les tags missing and/or not optimized (Alt, structured data, tags...)
  • ...

I complete this audit with a deliverable summarizing point by point the changes to be made. But if your site is on Webflow I can make the changes myself (next section ↓).

Complete audit of your website

Management of technical optimizations

A nice website is useless if no one visits it. I have taken a liking to SEO optimizations on Webflow and ensures constant monitoring in order to respect the latest standards imposed by search engines such as Google Chrome, Bing, Arc... After the audit I therefore naturally ensure the implementation of optimizations.

  • Improving load times and performance
  • Completion of missing tags in the settings of your pages
  • Cleaning up CSS, HTML and Javascript...
  • Review the content so that it corresponds to what your visitors expect
  • ...
Management of technical optimizations

Improving the site's loading speed

3 seconds, this is the maximum time that a page must take to load and allow the user to move fluidly around your site. And if it is longer than 4 seconds you will have already lost a large part of your visitors.

Improve loading speed of your site is crucial to retain them.
I implement effective strategies to speed up loading times, thus ensuring Fast navigation And a better user experience.

Improving the site's loading speed

Performance monitoring and analysis

Once everything is set up I don't consider my work to be “done.”
I am making a rigorous follow-up and an in-depth analysis of the performance of your site, using advanced tools to measure the effectiveness of the measures taken. This allows me to identify opportunities for improvement andadjust strategies throughout the process to maximize your online visibility and reach.

An SEO strategy is only effective if it lasts over time, it generally takes a minimum of a few months to see it bear fruit.

Performance monitoring and analysis

One Process reliable and optimized.

After several years of experience as a freelance web designer, I was able to work and refine the flow of my missions in order to: provide my customers with quality websites as soon as possible.

Making contact


You came across my profile via platforms such as Malt or my Webflow sheet. After an initial discussion and getting to know your project brief, I offer you an offer adapted to your needs and your budget.



After identifying your needs, I am embarking on the mission: UX UI design, development, optimizations... while making sure to meet your requirements and deadlines.
I am committed to designing websites optimized for your users and easy to handle by my customers.



Once the mission is complete you get your turnkey project. But that's not why our collaboration stops here.
If necessary, I continue to take care of and develop your project as it evolves with the ambitions of your brand.

What do they think about our collaboration

Discover the experiences of customers who have grown their brand thanks to my services. These testimonies offer you information about my work and my way of doing things.

Customer review background image for Alexis Gardin
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UX/UI and Freelance Webdesigner specialized in creating custom websites for businesses and individuals. My expertise is focused on the Webflow CMS, which allows me to provide quality, fast, secure, SEO friendly and easy to manage websites. My skills include creating mockups via Figma, designing the user experience, and integrating designs on Webflow.

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Questions The most frequent

Sometimes it's hard to find your way around. Here is a List of questions which I hope will answer your questions.

Visit the full FAQ

What is natural referencing?

The SEO What defines all the techniques implemented to improve the Position of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs) and is very important today.
All my sites are SEO friendly and I respect current standards (loading time, image weight, title structure, html markup...) in order to deliver a site to you efficient and appreciable in the eyes of the user but also of search engines.

Learn more about me and my areas of expertise.

How can SEO optimization on Webflow improve the visibility of my site?

SEO optimization on Webflow improves the visibility of your site by integrating current best SEO practices. This includes the optimized HTML structure, relevant meta tags, and fast page load times. These elements contribute to a higher ranking in search engines, thus attracting quality traffic and increasing the chances of conversion.

What is my policy for reviews and returns during an assignment?

I understand the importance of your feedback in order to achieve the desired result. Here's how I handle this process:

Number of Revisions: I generally propose 3 phases of revisions included in the initial quote.

Additional Revisions: If additional revisions are required beyond those included in the estimate, we discuss them together to find a solution that meets both your needs and the constraints of the project.

What happens once my site is online? Can I make changes to it?

Once your site is online, you have total freedom to manage it and make changes. Here's how it works:

Training and Resources: To ensure that you are comfortable with managing your site, I can provide you with training on how to use the Webflow interface in order to make changes to your content independently... however if you want to change its structure or its back office you will have to contact me again or train with the tool.
You can also find some articles on my blog in order to guide you.

Scalability: Your Webflow site is scalable. This means that if your needs change or if your business grows, your site can be updated to include new pages, features, or integrations.

In summary, once your site is online, you have the flexibility and autonomy to manage and develop it. And if you need additional support, I'm here to help every step of the way.

Will the Webflow migration affect the SEO of my website under Wordpress?

No, quite the opposite. I take specific measures to preserve and especially improve your SEO in the medium and long term during the migration. This includes 301 redirects from old URLs to new ones, maintaining the SEO markup structure, and optimizing site performance, which are key factors for good search engine positioning.